Friday, April 22, 2011

Installing LCMP stack on CentOS 5.5

Here is the short tutorial about installing lcmp(linux cherokee mysql php pearl) stack.herokee is a high-performance web server. It is very fast, flexible and easy to configure.

1.First install repository for the packages.
# rpm -Uhv
# rpm -Uvh
# rpm -Uvh

2.Install Cherokee web server and RRDtool (allows for graphs on the vhosts)
# yum install cherokee
# yum install rrdtool

3.Install MySQL server
# yum install mysql mysql-server

4.Install PHP, Perl and Python.
# yum install php53u-pear php53u php53u-cli php53u-common php53u-devel php53u-gd php53u-mbstring php53u-mcrypt php53u-mysql php53u-pdo php53u-soap php53u-xml php53u-xmlrpc php53u-bcmath php53u-pecl-apc php53u-pecl-memcache php53u-snmp

5.Now for the service to automatically on boot do follow
# chkconfig cherokee on
# chkconfig mysqld on

6.Start mysql and cherokee
# service mysqld start
# service cherokee start

7.Now test php setting
# vi /var/www/cherokee/phpinfo.php
copy and paste following: 
 // Show all information, defaults to INFO_ALL
 // Show just the module information.
// phpinfo(8) yields identical results.

8.Start cherokee admin panel
# cherokee-admin -b

9.Now login to http://localhost:9090/.Enter username and password from command prompt.

10.Click vservers.on directory indexes put index.php

11.Click Behavior tab>Default>New> php.Click add>create.
12.Now click to save the setting and restart cherokee server.

13.Now go to http://localhost/phpinfo.php you should see the php info page.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Basic Linux commands

man [command] : manual for every available command.
    eg: man mkdir display the detail manual about mkdir command.
    Enter q to exit from manual page.
cd : to change current directory.
cp : copy files and directories from one location to another
rm : delete files and directories
mv : move files and directories to another location.
grep: search and find contents of a file within terminal.
cat: display the contents of the file on terminal.
pwd: display current working directory
ls: list the content of files and directories of current directory
top: display processor activity in real time
ps: display process status
kill: terminate process
df -h: display the current partition of your hard drive including size of partiton.